Bluelink app is frustrating

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Hello! Am I the only one frustrated with the Bluelink app? I keep getting nonsense and random notifications. I am thinking about deleting it.
I was having the same issue with constant random notifications. I ended up going into the notification settings and simply turned off all those annoying alerts. It made a huge difference! You might want to give that a try before deciding to delete it altogether.
You're not the only one annoyed by Bluelink! Many people find the notifications confusing and useless. These kinds of car apps are often buggy. If it's bothering you just delete it. You can always reinstall it later if they fix it, but if it's just making you mad get rid of it.
I’ve got notifications set up and my Bluelink does send me alerts for the stuff I want to keep an eye on. But honestly, I ended up turning most of them off since they weren't really necessary for me.

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